Rotary Actions

/Rotary Actions
Rotary Actions2020-01-14T11:56:27+00:00
  1.  Join the Rotarians for the American Promise network. Have your Club’s Board approve RAP as a Club project.
  2.  Spread the word to other clubs and encourage District leadership to spread the word. Share this Action Statement.
  3.  Host a “Democracy-in-a-Box” event with a Rotaract Club – read the U.S. Constitution, learn about an issue affecting free and fair elections, & evaluate a proposed reform.
  4.  Become a Peace builder District or a Positive Peace District. Develop and practice guidelines for discussing civic reforms without getting political. Peace builder District Peace builder Club.
  5.  Use the Rotary Strategic Plan to develop a plan and take action with your club.

Please let us know if you would like more information.

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